You're the only thing it would hurt me to lose

"Bella?" I turned and he was leaning toward me, his pale, glorious face just inches from mine. My heart stopped beating. "Sleep well," he said. His breath blew in my face, stunning me. It was the same exquisite scent that clung to his jacket, but in a more concentrated form. I blinked, thoroughly dazed. He leaned away. I was unable to move until my brain had somewhat unscrambled itself. Then I stepped out of the car awkwardly, having to use the frame for support. I thought I heard him chuckle, but the sound was too quiet for me to be certain.
Oslagbart att läsa <3
Edward is working his magic on Bella,
poor girl!

Bokrecension var det ja!
Jo visst att jag sitter med den nu då...
Bra, bra, bra , bra!
Satan i gatan vad jag kan ställa till det..
Men visst ska jag fixa det! Eller..?
Återgå till recenserandet då, jajamensan!

Jag vill, men ändå inte.
Jag försöker, men kanske inte tillräckligt?
Jag hoppas, men kanske drömmer...

Postat av: HHANNAH;

Om jag kunde drömma ? :)

2009-02-13 @ 15:47:25

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