This could be something beautiful

I love life and I hate life.
And both at the same time.
Have you ever had that feeling?

I'm happy when I think of you.
I'm sad when I think of you.
Knowing that you're so far away
brakes my heart... All over again.

Har varit en trevlig helg spenderad
med Haneylouloulou =)
Lördagen hade vi kalas för mig
och syster, trevligt. Idag, söndag,
har det varit lite soft sådär. Jag och
Haney har både gått och chillat.
Fett me najs (Y)

And though they say it's possible to me
I don't see how it's probable

Postat av: ööyö

Fett me najs, mannen haha

2008-04-27 @ 22:14:27

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