Party, party :P
Glömde nämna det här nere förresten, hehe =) Igår blev jag bjuden på två sammanträden, den 18/5 så blir det ölbrännboll på himpafältet (Mr X are gonna be there, how will this end... :P) och den 26/5 blir det tjejkväll hemma hos Bella med grillning och mkt skratt, ser fram emot det väldigt mycket =) Dock så måste jag bli av med min tid på fredag, men det finns ju liksom inga som vill jobba eftersom alla ska till himpa. Sara skulle kolla med Anna om hon kunde ta Rogers stängning men om hon inte kunde det så skulle hon skicka henne vidare till mig för att se om hon ville byta tid med moi. Är ganska tveksam till det men annars är det ju bara att komma lite sent =)
A piece from Ne-Yo's "When you're mad"
Could it be the little wrinkle over your nose
When you make your angry face
That makes me wanna just take off all your clothes
And sex you all over the place
Could it be the lil' way that you storm around
That makes me wanna tear you down
Baby, I ain't sure, but one thing that I do know is
Every time you scream at me
I wanna kiss you
When you put your hands on me
I wanna touch you
When we get to arguing
Just gotta kiss you
Baby, I don't know why it's like that
But you're so damn sexy
When you're mad
I just love it.....
A piece from Ne-Yo's "When you're mad"
Could it be the little wrinkle over your nose
When you make your angry face
That makes me wanna just take off all your clothes
And sex you all over the place
Could it be the lil' way that you storm around
That makes me wanna tear you down
Baby, I ain't sure, but one thing that I do know is
Every time you scream at me
I wanna kiss you
When you put your hands on me
I wanna touch you
When we get to arguing
Just gotta kiss you
Baby, I don't know why it's like that
But you're so damn sexy
When you're mad
I just love it.....