I've gotta tell you something

There's something on my mind,
something that I wanna tell you,
I just don't know how...

There's this guy, that I kinda like.
And there's another guy that thinks
I kinda like him. And then there's
this other guy that I think kinda likes
me. As you see, it's all messed up and
I no longer know what to do, think, want,
say or feel.

Are you feeling me ?
Do you understand ?
I'm sure as hell that I
don't know what's happening.

Postat av: notche

stumpilumpan, låter som att du har mycket på gång i huvudet... du vet att jag finns här om du känner för att öppna ditt hjärta - om du vill. ta hand om dig

2007-12-13 @ 16:25:36

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